1. the act of competing; rivalry for supremacy, a prize, etc.: The competition between the two beers was bitter.
2. a contest for some prize, honor, or advantage: Both beers entered the competition.
3. the rivalry offered by a competitor: The small brewery gets powerful competition from the macro-breweries.
4. a competitor or competitors: What is your competition brewing?
The Brew or Cry Challenge isn’t about proving that you’re the best in the club.
The intent is to challenge yourself to brew better beer and step out of your comfort zone. But a little rivalry and friendly competition never hurt anyone.
Brew or Cry: Brewers Challenge 2016: Roster & Schedule
Brew or Cry: Brewers Challenge 2015 Recap
Brew or Cry: Brewers Challenge 2014 Recap
Brew or Cry: Brewers Challenge 2013 Recap
Want to see how your beers stack up against others? Check out select regional or national homebrew competitions here.