
As with most everything I’ve learned, it’s deeply rooted in my mistakes.  After round 2 of the Brew or Cry, I was told that my beer was mildly undercarbonated.  This was also noted about my beer in Round 1.  At home I thought the carbonation was great in a freshly poured pint. I’m thinking about […]


The other day I was on a “home brew community” page on Facebook. There was one person who asked in a post if anyone had a good recipe for a Belgian Tripel, and as one may expect there were tons of replies. It got me thinking, “what if I needed a recipe for a Tripel […]


I would recommend helping this project out on Kickstarter. This would be an excellent tool for brewing as it’s a way to keep track of your temperature in the fermentor and the gravity. I know every time that I pull a sample off my fermentor and measure the gravity it’s a sample I’m never gonna […]